
Rocks are your friends.

  ·   1 min read

The Origin:

There are 8 billion people in the world today. Long ago, however, the number of people was much smaller. As Newton’s law states, mass only changes form and is not created entirely from nothing. If we trace our existence back, we were once smaller in size during childhood, even smaller inside our mother’s womb, and before that, in the form of food—perhaps from a tree or part of an animal, which itself also originated from food. The food’s origin, in turn, is the soil. Soil is made up of minerals that come from rocks and water, which were either part of the Earth or delivered by heavenly asteroids.

In ancient times, someone could point to a rock and say, “This is Mr. XYZ (you).” Even now, we can point to a rock, a sheep, or a lemon and say, “This could become a person in the future.”

Amazing, isn’t it?